Hi everyone!! Today I am going to review on Garnier's new ultra blends shampoo in 5 precious herbs variant. I will be doing little bit comparison with patanjali and himalaya shampoos. So let's get started.
Product : Garnier's ultra blend has 5 different variants. I am going to talk about 5 precious herbs shampoo.
Price - Rs 55 for 75 ml to Rs 340 for 640ml. Conditioner Rs75 for 75 ml).
Packaging - It is a flat oval shape, which has different colour depending on the variant you bought as it has 5 variants. It's cap is round in shape and is golden in colour in all variants. The cap also has a leaf design in the front side. You may see it in the picture below.
Variants - 5 precious herbs, Henna Blackberry, Soy Milk and Almonds, Mythic Olive and henna, Royal Jelly and Lavender Shampoo.
Quantity( in ml )- Comes in different sizes from carry size 75 ml to 360 ml of large family sizes.
Packaging Quality - It hasgood quality of plastic bottle and so is it's cap. It travel friendly too.
Product Quality - It has a not creamy as well as not so running consistency too. It is foaming shampoo. It does lather up also cleans the scalp.
Claims : It claims it made with natural ingredients. It's formula is a blend with 5 precious herbs, green tea, eucalyptus,aloe, lemon and henna known for anti-oxidant power, anti-bacteria property, moisture, shine and conditioning. Although even if it is natural it will have some chemicals contents. Only the best thing is it is paraben free, that is, no preservatives used to keep the longevity of shampoo.
Scent - It has nice soft mild scent. It is not so light that you can smell the fragrance. It's scent is like natural products or ingredients as it has natural contents. It has a green tea fragrance I feel, but has a nice fragrance mixed it in.
Suitability - It is suitable to complex hair like oily scalp and dry ends hair type. It's an everyone shampoo.
Pros -
* It is quite good for oily scalp person cause it cleans and make sure yourr hair is oil free.
* It has natural ingredients and not just that it is parben free. (Note : It is natural doesn't mean it do not contain any chemicals.)
* It is quite good for oily scalp person cause it cleans and make sure yourr hair is oil free.
* It has natural ingredients and not just that it is parben free. (Note : It is natural doesn't mean it do not contain any chemicals.)
Cons -
* There's not much that puts you down though, It will be drying for a person having dry scalp.
* There's not much that puts you down though, It will be drying for a person having dry scalp.
Takeaways -
*Travel friendly.
It does lathers up nicely , cleans up too and give weight less feel.
*Small comparison in himalaya shampoo , patanjali and Garnier's ultra blend.
*Natural product , as it is paraben free.
*Travel friendly.
It does lathers up nicely , cleans up too and give weight less feel.
*Small comparison in himalaya shampoo , patanjali and Garnier's ultra blend.
*Natural product , as it is paraben free.
Comparison with himalaya and patanjali overall :
Himalaya shampoo - it is similar to garnier but bit thick in comparison with both garnier & patanjali. It's packaging is also strong and easy to carry in bag while travelling.
Patanjali shampoo - it is similar but little bit thicker but not more than Garnier's shampoo. It's packaging is not strong and it cannot be carried in bags while travelling.
Himalaya shampoo - it is similar to garnier but bit thick in comparison with both garnier & patanjali. It's packaging is also strong and easy to carry in bag while travelling.
Patanjali shampoo - it is similar but little bit thicker but not more than Garnier's shampoo. It's packaging is not strong and it cannot be carried in bags while travelling.
Thats it for today. I hope you like this. Do like and share this if you enjoyed it. And comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.
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